Time Location Teachout/Space/Event
9-10 SU Venue Rest/Free Space for students
11-12 RHB Picket Michael Rosen
Deborah Hobson - The Liberation Movement & NUJ Exec
11 onwards RHB Picket Sign-making and Action Planning for Thursday's Protest March to Lloyds and Natwest
11-12 RHB Picket A Strike 'Knit-In' - organised by STaCs
11-12 Online
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89958753790?pwd=OVBiTm1UUU5nMjI2djlpcmxkUkE3Zz09 Voice care / self care for activists and workers - Pamela Karantonis
12-1 RHB Picket Jo Grady - UCU General Secretary
2-3 PM Online GUCU Members Meeting (only for GUCU members)
2:30-3:30 SU Venue Securing an Education: How do surveillance, fees, and debt work in the university? - Sita Balani
2-4pm Online
Teams Link: https://tinyurl.com/y2xxavt8 Film Screening of Queerama with Q&A - Daisy Asquith
5:15 PM Online (link through SU) Active Bystander Training (organised by the SU)
2-4pm SU ground floor Design of Resistance Reading Group
6-7 pm Online
Zoom Link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87693421235?pwd=c3hRN0xCdno3d1k3ajlzQmtOdE5PUT09 Feminist Institutional Ethnographies - Nirmal Puwar and students from MA Gender, Media, Culture
6-7:30pm CCA Residents' Space Film Screening by Gold Paper Mental Health Group
https://precaritystory.com/ : short documentary by Lorena Cervera Ferrer and Isabel SeguĂ­
