Teachout Supervisor(s) - Janna (07946281841)

(poster below table and text)

Time Location Teachout/Event
ALL DAY Whiteboard at RHB Picket ‘Hopelessness is not natural. It needs to be produced.’
10-12 SU Bar Vicarious trauma: when watching or confronting violence is part of your research as a student. Workshop focuses on strategies of care and resilience on the digital frontlines of conflict
10:30 - 11 RHB Picket Strike HIIT session - Picket Workout
11-12 RHB Picket Playing for Change: Organizing an Activist Street Band. Musicians should bring instruments -- especially drums and brass!!
11:30-12 RHB Picket Sociology staff picket meet up
12-1 RHB Picket War of the Words - feminists slamming it.
12- 12:30 RHB Picket Liberation library and poetry slam
1-2 SU Ground Floor Doing Feminist Institutional Ethnographies- Student-led event (all welcome)
12:30 - 2:30 HYBRID - SU Liberation Room and second hour can be joined ONLINE here - https://tinyurl.com/ReadingREN What does race, empire and nation mean to you? A Student-led Reading Group!
1-2 SU Ground Floor Striking from the Life of the Mind? PhD Life, Industrial Action, Scholarships
2-3 Online
Zoom Link - https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76735153010?pwd=dkU5aEIyeSsyaVZ4NmhDMWw2OTRNZz09 Online reading group - The Undercommons Fugitive Planning and Black Study. (For the first session read pp. 5-43. Link to the book: https://www.minorcompositions.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/undercommons-web.pdf
3-4 SU Ground Floor Marketisation and co-option of humanitarianism -exploring the ways in which neoliberalism has impeded into humanitarianism and analysing the co-option of Black feminist groups by generic services
5-6 Online
Zoom Link -
https://gold-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/99526878998?pwd=cE5GQzNUMnFuZ1VHV0xybGdPUHdmdz09 Instituting in Institutions: The Capacity to Act. Teresa Cisneros and Laurence Rassel in conversation with staff and students on the Goldsmiths strike
